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Full Scope Into Chippr

Our First Trailer:

Chippr is a safe space for you to address your concerns related to LGBT community anonymously and a place to meet like-minded LGBTQIA individuals!

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What Inspired Chippr?

I still remember that night, January 4th, 2013. It was just like any other evening, 2 days before I started my Winter quarter as a Sophomore at University of California, San Diego, little did my mom know that I was going to come out to her that night. After struggling with my sexuality for years, I decided that it was time to finally face the truth and start living as myself. What a better way to accept yourself than having your mom be the first person in the world to know the truth, right? I thought I was ready, but apparently I was wrong. Like a lot of our parents, she lost it, freaked out, and was in complete denial, but it was understandable: I just wasn’t prepared for it. I had no one to turn to, no one to talk to, and had no idea where or how to reach for help. If it wasn’t for a guy on social media who talked to me (whom I didn't even meet in person), I don’t know if I would still be standing here today. That experience planted a seed in my head:what would happen if we can build a localized online community that is safe for people to turn to whenever they need help, support, or simply someone to talk to?That became the fundamental principle of Chippr, to serve the LGBT community...

As I started to get used to my “new found identity,” I began trying out all those dating applications out there; however, I just wanted to find a like-minded friend. I hesitated when it asked me for a profile picture because I wasn’t comfortable enough to let people know that I am gay. After coming through with that process, I realized that having a picture on the dating applications would result in one of two cases: a hookup or a rejection that leads to lower self-esteem. It got me curious as to how can we make the online experience better, more personal, and supportive? What can we do to make it better? How can we connect people in a more genuine way?The answers to those questions later became the foundations of Chippr.

Photo credit to my mom. Taken in Hawaii, one year after I came out to her.

We build Chippr to set out to be the ultimate safe harbor and a genuine social/resources network for the LGBTQIA community around the world. Other than the features and services that we already provide on Chippr app, we are constantly thinking of new ways to solve the pains of the LGBT community. No matter what you are looking for, a friendship or a relationship, it all starts with connecting and meeting them. As a result, we are creating more innovative ways for businesses, community centers and people to collaborate, for like-minded people to meet and for the community to celebrate the LGBTQIA culture.

The Impact

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According to Bloomberg status, almost 23% of the American population belongs to the LGBTQIA group. That's almost 1 in 4 people around you. Yet, coming out is still not an easy task, many people today are still struggling in understanding themselves and figuring out their own identity. Like I always say, it's only when you start to accept yourself that others will start to accept you. So, when you are helping us to spread the word out, you are contributing to the greater society. You are making a HUGE difference not only in someone's life but in society as a whole. You are essentially promoting understanding and offering LGBT individuals the support they need. Create a safe environment for people to chat and a genuine place for people to meet up.

Please contact us at for inquiry.

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